Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) – In Oregon, DUII is a misdemeanor charge, but the repercussions of a conviction can be devastating. If you’re blood alcohol level (BAC) is .08 or higher, you can be charged with DUII. Being arrested is embarrassing, but your driver’s license will likely be automatically suspended. You only have 10 days to contest the license suspension, so you must act swiftly.
Penalties for a first DUII conviction include 48 hours in jail or 80 hours of community service, and an expensive fine of $1,000. Your driver’s license will be suspended for up to one year, and you could be required to enroll in substance abuse screening. An 18-month probation is also possible. If you have previous DUII convictions or your BAC was over .15, you are subject to more severe penalties.
Brett Hall will thoroughly investigate your case and determine whether there is any way to have your DUII charges dismissed. If not, a strong defense will help protect your right to drive and keep you from spending time behind bars.
Assault – If another person is injured because of reckless or intentional actions, it’s considered assault. There are four degrees to this crime in the State of Oregon, with First Degree Assault being the most serious offense. In fact, First and Second Degree Assault are considered Measure 11 crimes, which can be punished by as much as 70 months in prison. Only Fourth Degree Assault is considered a misdemeanor but the penalties for a conviction will still be swift and severe.
Theft – There are multiple crimes that qualify as theft in Oregon. If someone intends to deprive the rightful owner of their property, it is considered theft. Deception may or may be used to commit theft, but the penalties are equal in both situations. Theft crimes are divided in to three degrees. Theft in the First and Second Degree are misdemeanors, but Theft in the Third Degree is a serious felony. If you’ve been charged with any theft crime, you need to talk to a Portland criminal defense lawyer right away.
Drug Crimes – Criminal drug charges are serious and should be treated as such. Possession of specific amounts of some drugs result in mandatory prison time. You can also be charged with possession, delivery, or manufacture. Illegal drug crimes often involve marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and even prescription drugs. Contact our Portland criminal defense lawyer to protect yourself from unfounded drug charges.
Sex Crimes – A sex crime conviction will have a devastating impact on your life, and everyone you care about. Not only could it lead to time in prison, but you will have to carry the stigma around with you for the rest of your life. Sex crimes include rape and sexual assault, and a conviction will likely force you to register as a sex offender. Your defense is paramount in these cases, so you need to work with a Portland criminal defense lawyer willing to thoroughly investigate your case and aggressively defend your legal rights.
Juvenile Crimes – Many people mistakenly believe that juvenile crimes aren’t a big deal, but obtaining a criminal record at a young age can derail a young person’s life before it’s even started. One youthful indiscretion could make it impossible to get into a preferred college, find a job, or even rent an apartment. All it takes is for a landlord or employer to conduct one background search. It doesn’t matter if you’re more qualified or responsible, all they will see is the criminal record. Don’t sacrifice your future on the altar of one stupid mistake. Make sure you have a Portland lawyer who understands the stakes.
Violent Crimes – Crimes like assault, kidnapping, robbery, murder, homicide, and manslaughter are considered violent crimes. They hold the Measure 11 designation, so you already know a conviction will lead to serious punishments and could even mean life behind bars. Make no mistake, these are serious cases that require a lot of due diligence, so you want to be sure you’re working with a Portland criminal defense lawyer who cares about the outcome.
White Collar Crimes – There are number of crimes that fall under this general distinction, including insurance fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion, and forger, among others. Crimes involving fraud and other financial crimes are often prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Depending on the circumstances, your Portland lawyer may suggest a plea arrangement or seek to have the charges dismissed. Make no mistake, if you’re charged with any white collar crime, the prosecutor is coming after you with everything they’ve got. Make sure your legal rights are protected.
Domestic Assault – In Oregon, domestic violence charges may be either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the severity of the crime. Oftentimes, people are falsely accused of domestic assault, and prosecutors are often unwilling to drop the charges even if the accuser recants. False accusation can cause a person to be kicked out of their home and even lose all contact with their kids. If you’re charged with domestic violence, contact our Portland lawyer today.